Your Wellbeing Is A Personal Matter
We are delighted to make meaningful connections in our community and beyond through our pop-ups, rituals and collaborative events. Stop by one of our upcoming engagements. We'd love to meet you.
Ritual of the Month: Spread the Love
Love is not a commodity. It is a precious resource. So why do we often forsake it, choosing instead to give our energy to other emotions? Why don't we love more freely and live in a state of love? The answer is fear. Fear of getting hurt. In an effort to protect ourselves, we build barriers that limit our potential to experience and share joy.
At the end of this journey we call life, it is the love we did not experience, the love we did not cherish, and the love we did not give more time to, that will haunt us.
This month's ritual challenges you to spend more time doing the things you love for and with the beings you love. February reminds us to prioritize love - the cues are everywhere. But how do we unlock our love throughout the year?
Start a love calendar
Make your own cues
Practice mindfulness - pay attention to the people you love, be present, quiet your mind, your needs and fears, and listen to them.
Journal and set love intentions
Do what works for you. Start by taking small steps, like saying those three little words more, calling your friends and family more often, loving yourself, checking on a neighbor, and helping those in need. Whatever you love, that is what you focus on. Love is infectious and so is its opposite. Spread love, not disease.
Heart Ritual
For centering breath-work that you can practice anytime, click on the video player or the mobile video link here to enjoy a short but effective breath ritual.

Have a question about an event or an opportunity we should be a part of? Let's talk.