Mindfulness-Based Self Care (MBSC™)

The science of inner-outer wellness
We use a proven process to create rituals that fully engage you in the moments of your self-care and amplify healing and renewal. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) therapy techniques have been used successfully for the treatment of chronic pain, anxiety, depression, addiction and stress reduction with measurable, science-based results. The rue Santé MBSC experience incorporates similar techniques but you don't have to be an expert to practice. We use sense therapy, scientifically proven to make you happy, focus your awareness, and heighten your senses so that you can take in the world around you, listen to your body, and channel the healing powers of the mind.
The magic of ritual
Rituals emerge from our belief systems. They pay homage, create reverence, demand respect, elevate quality, and transform the ordinary into celebration. They also help create meaningful, repeatable processes to help us achieve a desired goal.
Our MBSC products and rituals will elevate your self-care from a perfunctory task to a cherished experience you look forward to all day long. They are designed to be simple, and easy to practice at home, at work, or wherever life takes you.

The power of the senses
We believe that self-care is a whole body experience that is inherently connected to nature. That is why we use the power of the senses and sensory tools to perform rituals that allow us to focus our awareness on our bodies and the world around us.
Engaging the senses opens your mental and physical awareness and puts you in the moments of your self-care. This heightens the experience, increases effectiveness, and amplifies your healing and renewal. The results are increased enjoyment and mood enhancement.
Here are a few ways we can use the science of the senses in our self-care to bring harmony and peace to mind and body:

Vision is directly linked to our pleasure center. Looking at and taking in the details of something we perceive to be beautiful actually releases dopamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter that makes
us feel good.
Neuroscientist studies show that certain sounds, such as singing bowls, have a profound impact on our psychological and physiological state by releasing endorphins - pain-relieving, pleasure-inducing neurotransmitters.
Aromas are interpreted in the limbic area of your brain. This area controls our memory, hormones, pleasure-pain response, and mood. This means aroma can have the power to calm, awaken, stimulate, inspire, and seduce you.
Our somatosensory system is a network of nerves and receptors in the epidermis that send messages to the brain. Massage has been shown to increase levels of serotonin and dopamine. The power of touch can be incredibly healing.
When we taste a delicious
flavor, our brains release neurotransmitters that make us feel pleasure, euphoria, and satisfaction. Consuming dark chocolate increases serotonin and dopamine levels and has a mild anti-depressant effect.

Create your own MBSC sensory ritual
Our MBSC products and rituals engage you in the moments of your self-care to amplify healing and renewal. The benefits of the products are intensified by the rituals. Use them in your self-care to reduce stress, increase enjoyment and improve your wellbeing. It's easy to practice our MBSC. Simply focus your awareness on the five senses utilizing our guide below. We recommend unplugging from technology if possible.
Create your ideal environment for your self-care rituals. This can be in your bath, vanity, bedroom or any small space where you can set out your wellness products and tools. Enhance your environment with soft lighting or candles, music, nature sounds, or singing bowls, crystals, flowers and plants and any other cues that help you feel relaxed and comforted.
Tip: a tray, platter, marble slab, basket, wooden box or even a paper inbox are a great way to keep all your ritual materials tidy, beautifully displayed and easily accessible so you can enjoy a moment of stress-relieving self-care whether you have hours or just 5 minutes.
One of the most treasured of the senses, sight is how we perceive the world at first glance. It cannot be ignored. We rely upon our sight for safety, information, pleasure, navigation, socialization. It is overwhelmingly, the most active of the senses. Vision is linked to our pleasure center. Looking at something we perceive as beautiful releases dopamine in the brain.
Begin the ritual :
Look around. Take in your environment. Feel what you see. Surround yourself with beauty, comfort, inspiration, luxury - nature, arts, objects - anything that makes you happy. Be inspired. See your happiness.
Sound therapy has been around since the dawn of time. Humans have been making music in one form or another for ceremonies and rituals, from celebrations to mournings. There's no denying that music soothes the soul. Neuroscientist studies show that certain sounds can have a profound impact on your psychological and physiological state. It helps to release endorphins - pain relieving / pleasure inducing neurotransmitters.
Begin the ritual :
Study shows that listening to Weightless by Marconi Union reduces anxiety by 65%. Find your ideal sound therapy, whether it's singing bowls, ocean waves, birds chirping, a favorite song or the sounds of silence. Hear your peace.
Your olfactory system plays a key role in how you perceive the world. This sophisticated system is a receiver and transmitter of aromas to the limbic area of your brain, which controls memory, hormones, pleasure-pain response and mood. Aroma have a profound impact on your state of mind. It has the power to stimulate, awaken, inspire, calm and seduce.
Begin the ritual :
As you apply your rue Santé products, cup the palms of your hands to breathe in deeply and take in the plant-based aromas. What does the scent remind you of? How does it make you feel? Breathe in deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and breath out forcefully through your mouth. Feel your body start to relax. Inhale your calm.
Our somatosensory system is a network of nerves and receptors in the epidermis that send messages to the brain. This is how the brain communicates to the body. Touch is the most precious of the senses. We Communicate love, caring and affection through touch. Massage has been shown to increase levels of serotonin and dopamine. The power of touch heals.
Begin the ritual :
Tune in to your body. Do a self-assessment. How do you feel? Is your body trying to tell you something? Use our antioxidant products to give yourself some care. Massage products into your skin with your hands or your body roller. Feel your skin as it warms to your touch, as it takes in hydration and nourishment. Feel your love.
Our ability to taste is a pleasurable experience but more importantly, it is also critical to our health. This sense helps us identify nutritious foods, and warns us when food is bad. It also triggers salivary glands for healthy digestive function. There is a direct link between taste and smell, so much so that anosmic sufferers cannot taste or derive pleasure from flavor. Consuming dark chocolate increases serotonin and dopamine levels and has a mild anti-depressant effect.
Begin the ritual :
Enjoy one of our stress-relieving, antioxidant, adaptogen, anti-inflammatory beverages. Smell the aroma. Sense the burst of pleasure in your mouth. Listen to your body, feel the warmth spread as you drink, appreciate the beauty of the petals, Feel the antioxidants breaking down your tension. Breathe. Taste your pleasure.